How to make a den in the wild

Natural shelter in the wild is a potential life saver. If you do not have a tent or bivouac with you, knowing how to make a lean-to shelter is one of the most important bushcraft survival skills.

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Bear Attack Tips

What do you do if a bear attacks you? This is a must watch video.

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If enough fuel is available two fires on ether side is preferred but if fuel is less available try to make reflectors on fare side of fire.A good reflector could be stones,rocks,and dirt.Reflectors all so helps with smoke rising instead of blowing into your eyes and air.

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Plants You Don't Want To Eat In The Wild

Try to avoid plants that are red, fruit that is divided into five parts, old or wilted leaves, and any plant that releases a milky sap. These types of plants can be harmful and should be avoided in the wild.

Picture By: Nature's Wallpaper

When you can find fruits that are edible, and you can identify like the blue berries above, choose the more mature larger plants that have ripe colored berries, not green ones. Be sure to gather as many as you can, but try not to gorge yourself right away if you haven't eaten in a while, this can cause stomach problems.

More edible plants include clovers, violets, hops, and currants.

Stay tuned to Survival Odds for more tips...

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